Saturday, October 30, 2010


Competence plus character equals greatness.  The phrase was coined by Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  When it comes to what I value, and what I hope the public servants who represent me value, competence and character create a firm foundation on which to stand.  I do believe both competence and character go hand-in-hand in order for a public servant (or anyone for that matter) to achieve some level of greatness or contribute to positive synergy.

As an American citizen and voter, here is what I value and I hope the public servants who represent me value as well:

1.  The inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
2.  Access to a quality education to prepare young people for the future, regardless of socioeconomic status
3.  Access to employment opportunities, with emphasis on self-determination and self-sufficiency
4.  Access to quality healthcare, regardless of one's socioeconomic status
5.  Providing the poor with the tools necessary to become empowered, independent, and interdependent
6.  Taking care of the elderly
7.  Equal protection under the law, regardless of gender, race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious belief
8.  The right to protect one's family and property
9.  Fair taxation
10.  Fiscal responsibility and transparency
11.  Maintaining and improving our country's infrastructure
12.  A public servant who does not regurgitate lies or hyperbole (what I like to call un-necessary drama)
13.  A public servant who has the courage to value honesty, charater and integrity

My list is not exhaustive.  Competence and character are the roots.  What's important to you as an American citizen and voter?